Monday, May 16, 2005


The flight was really a lot easier than I could have hoped for. I slept through most of it.

The plane had video screens on the back of each seat. You could choose from several stations to watch, one of which featured a map of the route that indicated where the plane was located, distance to the destination, air speed, and altitude. It was quite fascinating to watch.

I also watched bits and pieces of The Life Aquatic, Pirates of the Caribbean, and House of Flying Daggers.

I don't think it sunk in that I was going on this trip until I stepped through the doors of the airport onto the streets of Amsterdam where I proceeded to giggle and jump for joy.

I'm having a wonderful time, although I'm fairly exhausted. It feels like we've been here for a week already.

Seeing Anne Frank's hiding place today was depressing and enlightening at the same time. I got goosebumps when I walked through the door behind the bookcase which leads to the apartment where they stayed. It was rooms were all very small, even with the furniture removed (especially the room where Anne stayed). The stairs were so steep that I banged my knees and shins several times. I tried not to cry but couldn't help it, it was all very overwhelming.

Statue in front of the Anne Frank House

The Rijks museum was lovely. There was a man outside dressed as a silver angel who blew bubbles at people entering through the gates. I took his picture and he asked me to say 'thank you'. When I did, he said 'how did I know you were American'.

The Silver Angel Guy

Michelle and Julie in front of the Rijks Museum

A Delft Violin - Faience, 1705-1710
This earthenware ornament is unusual not only for its shape, but also for the distribution of the design over the surface and the virtuoso execution. The subject is appropriate: on the front a dance hall and on the back a violinist in front of an inn, together with a merry group of dancers. (From the museum description card)

I've started a photo-documentation on the tiny toilets.

I can't upload my pictures from this cafe. Hopefully I'll find one along the way that will work out. Otherwise it will have to wait until we return to the states.


1 comment:

Julie said...

thanks matt!

after a five hour bus ride, im in luxembourg at the moment and almost out of internet time. michelle and i had a blast in amsterdam. we`ll have a full report soon. (oddly, the keyboard here is very strange. the keys are all mixed up.)